Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 5 - Love it or Lose it

Mood: Disappointed
Today is Sunday, June 5, 2011. I think it might be true what they say about not really appreciating something until you have to live without it for a while. This past week I’ve had to go without a few of my most comforting foods for the sake of finding healthier replacements. The nice thing I’ve realized is that almost everything I crave has a suitable substitute that is better for my body, leaves me satisfied, and helps me forget about the food I was initially craving.
Surprisingly some of the things I thought I loved & needed were much easier to live without than I thought they’d be, which probably means I was just eating them out of pure habit. And for that reason, I’m glad to see them go.
If I had to grade myself on how close I stuck to my nutrition plan this week, I’d give myself a C+. Or maybe just a C. I definitely cheated a few times, and gave in to peer pressure (eating out) more than I probably should have, but as I told a good friend recently “Life changes don’t happen overnight.”
For the most part, I did a good job having all of the right foods around me. I also did a pretty good job of making sure I stuck to the daily calorie goal. But where I fell apart was in social situations. I have a hard time saying no… to myself as well as to others. I guess that means I’m a people-pleaser. I know that I’m going to eat out a lot in the future, but right now I’m learning how to make healthy choices when I don’t have a calorie guide helping me make those decisions. When I do eat in restaurants, I have to guide myself by portion size & ingredients.
It’s definitely proving to be a challenge, but I have faith in myself to start making better selections & not deprive myself of being with friends when they want to eat out. This is also true for alcohol. I’m not a huge drinker, but occasionally I like to have wine or beer with dinner. It hasn’t been hard to cut those out of my diet yet, but eventually I’m going to have to learn portion control there too.

Photo by schillergarcia

I’m not in the best mood right now. I’m looking forward to boot camp tomorrow, and hopefully it will put me in a better mood so I can face the new week with more enthusiasm than I’ve had this weekend.
My goal for the next couple of days is to stick to the nutrition plan as much as possible. I’m also looking forward to Wednesday so I can report on my weight loss, if any. I don’t want to get my hopes too high yet, but even the smallest progress will be motivational.
Thanks for reading. <3

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