Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 58 - I think I'm in love...

Mood: Inspired

Today is Thursday, July 28, 2011. Last night I tried Zumba for the first time in a very long time. I only have three words to describe it: CRAZY. SEXY. COOL.

Ok, so did you really think I'd stop at 3 words? Didn't think so. Plus, those ones are already taken by the best all-female R&B/Hip Hop group of my pre-teen years.

Getting back to the point... Zumba was freakin fantastic. I was a little concerned about the class size at first. There was easily 40 people crammed into a 20x30 ft room. Luckily, the room had a window & really high ceilings or we'd all be choking on each other's sweaty air.

I chose a spot close to the window & wall on the far right-hand side of the room. While everyone milled around waiting for the class to begin, I noticed that it was mostly female participants (only 2 or 3 guys) and while it wasn't very diverse ethnically (most were Filipino or Hispanic) there was definitely a wide range of body sizes & age groups. Some women even brought their kids.

Finally the music started & in burst the instructor like a small young Asian glowing ball of fun. His smile cut through every particle in the room. I found myself immediately excited for what he had in store! He jumped right into the first routine, which was more of a collection of warm-up moves, but came guns blazing with enthusiasm. I couldn't help but smile. I could tell it was going to be fun before we'd even started any of the actual dance moves!

Photo by marfis75

In just a few minutes I could feel my heart rate rising. The dances were fast-paced, but not difficult to learn. The instructor, Jeff, was careful to show us the steps repeatedly while still keeping up the pace so it was more about continuously moving rather than doing it perfectly. It seems everyone in the room was able to go at their own pace yet get the full-body workout that Zumba offers. Many of the moves required arm movements as well, which kept the heart rate up. Within 10 minutes, I was working up a good sweat.

The music was awesome. I felt like I was in a salsa club, strutting my stuff on the dance floor. Jeff enticed us to make noise & have fun! The guy smiled non-stop. I could tell he was genuinely having a good time too. He moved his hips better than most of the women in the room, but he had the energy (and hair) of Sonic the Hedgehog.

For some reason, I thought the class might only be 30 minutes long, but when that amount of time came & passed, I realized we were going to be there a full hour. Part of me was excited, but the other part of me (the part that hasn't had a truly good workout in almost 2 weeks) was wondering if I'd last the full hour!

But because I was having so much fun, I did make it the full hour. I went at my own steady pace when I got out of breath, and when I got a burst of energy, I danced with all the passion I had inside. I felt sexy. I felt confident. I felt like I did in high school when dancing was a daily thing for me. I got a little choked up at one point because I remembered how much I love to dance, and was sad that I haven't kept it as a regular routine in my life after becoming a busy "adult".

By the end of it, I was hooting & hollering & shaking my goods like I'd been doing it for years. I noticed some other women moving & smiling like they were having the time of their lives too, and that's how I knew I was in love with Zumba.

After the class ended, I approached Jeff & thanked him for such a fun & inspiring workout. I also met a woman who has been doing Zumba for a while. I think her name was Nancy. She pointed out that even if she doesn't lose weight by doing Zumba, she loves it because it always puts her in a good mood. We chatted for a bit, and I was inspired by her passion for Zumba & what it seemed to do for confidence/mood boosting.

Her: "I love dancing, but I don't really like going to clubs!"
Me: "I love dancing too, but doing it in heels is hard!"
***combined laughter***

Photo by Pink Sherbet Photography

That's when I realized this could be exactly what I was looking for!! Then I remembered, she and I weren't the only ones smiling during the class. Almost every single person in the room was having a great time. Not many workouts offer the same benefit.

I plan to make Zumba my official Wednesday & Friday evening activity. Knowing that I'll be in a good mood at least twice a week is something to look forward to, and knowing that it might actually help me shed a few pounds is even more awesome.

I owe a BIG thank you to my boyfriendguy for encouraging me to try Zumba again. Thanks babe! <3

If you have any other ideas for great dance workouts, please comment below or on my Facebook page! I'd also love to hear about your experiences, good or bad, with Zumba... places you've taken classes, where it's offered for free, etc. or if you are considering Zumba & have any questions for me, I'd be happy to answer!

Thanks for reading & have a lovely afternoon! :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 57 - Slow & Steady

Mood: Hopeful

Today is Wednesday, July 27, 2011. The past two weeks have been full of activity, but not the workout kind. Between family parties, concert date nights, musical theater-going, & neighborhood gatherings, I just didn't make time to follow the exercise routine outlined in my last blog post. 

What exactly have I done? The day of my last blog post (7/13) I went on a 20-minute hike with some friends (very hilly, good for butt-sculpting!) and the following Sunday (7/17) I walked approximately 10K for SF AIDS Walk (and raised $1,300! Go me!). Other than that, I've been full of excuses & lazy habits.

Even though I'm disappointed by my lack of ambition & get-to-it-iveness regarding exercising, I'm slightly more forgiving because I know I've been making healthier food choices.

It might not sound healthy to "cheat" on a diet, but believe it or not it has taken some of the compulsiveness out of my eating habits (some, not all). I've designated Monday evenings as my cheat time because almost every Monday I spend a few hours visiting a friend downtown. 

When we get together, we usually watch an hour or two of TV. Ever since I can remember, watching TV & snacking have gone hand in hand, and while it contributed to a lot of my weight gain over the years, I may have found a way to complete this comforting habit without it adding more pounds or sabotaging my diet. Although I watch TV other times during the week, I do so in the presence of my boyfriendguy (he's got cable, I don't), and I usually do not snack while watching. Being with company is a vital part of the cheat because if I was watching TV alone at home, I honestly wouldn't know when to stop eating OR I'd eat until I was too full to do anything but sleep (I say this from experience as a "bored snacker / accidental food napper"). So, on Mondays, I'm going to allow myself to have a favorite snack (usually a *small* bag of chips and a Coke zero) while I'm visiting my friend.

Another thing I've been better at is reducing portion size. I've learned that 9 times out of 10, I'm able to simply stop eating when I'm full. Sometimes this means food is wasted, but most of the time it just results in having leftovers as a meal on the following day/night. The upside is usually less calories and that light feeling versus "OMG. I'm stuffed & can't move for an hour."

Speaking of leftovers, I should point out that my neighbors & I love to have backyard BBQs. Our most recent one was on Sunday. Small victory: Instead of my usual homemade pasta salad, I made veggie kabobs & a fruit salad... two things I never would have thought of making as the "old" me! I have to admit, my veggie kabobs left much to be desired taste-wise, but the fruit salad was standard, and I felt good knowing I personally contributed to getting a few servings of good stuff in my diet that day!

So... little by little I'm making smarter, healthier choices. I said in my last post that I needed to work on getting more sleep & drinking more water, but those things are still problem areas. Drinking water at work isn't as difficult as it is at home. Perhaps I will start posting little reminders all over my apartment. And getting to bed on time is usually easier when I've worked out that day, but logical remedies aren't always the easiest to carry out. Still, I've got to get back into the habit of waking up early to get it over with, or devoting myself to nothing until I get at least a 30 minute walk in after work.

Tonight I'm going to try Zumba. I said that last Friday and then gave up because I couldn't find parking. I won't let that excuse stop me today. No sir!

Hopefully the next post will include a weight update, but for now I find victory in the fact that my clothes are fitting well (and in some cases, are *slightly* too big). I'm pretty sure I've lost another couple of pounds, but I can't know for sure since my scale isn't consistently accurate.

My energy level has been kinda low, but I've also been under some minor stress at work. Luckily that seems to have settled down for the time being, which means I'll be able to focus more on this stuff.

Until next time... thanks for reading! <3

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 43 - Hooray for me!

Day 43

Mood: Satisfied

Weight: 174.4 lbs (4.6 pounds lost!)

Body Fat: 40.2% (0.9 percent lost!)

Today is Wednesday, July 13, 2011. It's been almost one month since my last accurate weight update. The time in between has been a struggle, but I must have been doing something right because according to the scale, I've lost a few pounds. I actually weigh less than my drivers license weight for the first time in a looooooong while. Yay.

I was able to get another boot camp workout today, and it felt great. I may decide to continue my membership so I can go once a week, but I'm still considering cost vs. benefits. Is $50 worth it? That's a little more than $10 per class... Until then, my new workout schedule will be as follows:

SUNDAY- Choice between Walk (60 min) or Bike Ride (5 miles) or Rest
MONDAY - Morning Walk (30 min) & Choice between Workout Video or Weights or Yoga (30 min)
TUESDAY - Morning Walk (30 min) & Afternoon Zumba (30 min)
WEDNESDAY - Choice between Morning Walk (30 min) or Bootcamp (60 min) & Afternoon Zumba (30 min)
THURSDAY - Morning Walk (30 min) & Choice between Workout Video or Weights or Yoga (30 min)
FRIDAY - Morning Walk (30 min) & Afternoon Zumba (30 min)
SATURDAY - Sleep in / Rest

Even if I do the minimum on this plan, I'll still get at least 6 hours of cardio & 2 hours of strength training per week. I think it's sufficient for now, and I can always alter it later if I feel like I'm doing too little or too much.

I'm really looking forward to Zumba. Friday will be my first time trying it in over a year! Who knows... maybe if I get the hang of it, I will start my own backyard Zumba class for those who want to try it without getting a gym membership! :)

The biggest things I will need to re-commit to this week:

- Balancing a meal plan. I'm still struggling with eating often enough so that I don't binge or overeat during meals. I also need to re-commit to not bringing any new unhealthy snacks into my house. I seem to do well on breakfast & lunch during the week because I have a routine, but my evenings/dinners are less structured, so I'll have to think of some creative ways to either prepare meals ahead of time or create a weekly menu or something along those lines.

- Drinking more water. At least 64 ounces a day.

- Getting more sleep. This is something I have been struggling with since Day 1. My new bedtime will be 11pm, NO MATTER WHAT. I may not fall asleep until midnight, but at least I'll have a routine & hopefully my body/mind will eventually get used to shutting down around that time. The biggest problem I have with this is that I like to stay up later on the weekends, but until further notice, 11pm it is.

I'm extremely grateful to those who have expressed interest in this blog, and I look forward to hearing your comments & suggestions about anything health-related (your experience, things you've come across online, inspiring stories or quotes, etc.).

Thanks for reading! <3

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 38 - Cleaning the Slate

Mood: Relieved

Pant Size: 12/14

Today is Friday, July 8, 2011. Today was my last day of boot camp. I was hoping for a weight update, but the instructor conveniently forgot the scale & body fat gadget, so it will have to wait until next week. My scale at home says 173, but I'm still skeptical about its accuracy, so that's not an "official" update until I step on the same scale I used before.

The bad news: Today was the only day I made it to boot camp all week. My excuse on Monday was (obviously) the holiday. The rest of the week was just pure laziness. I've even gotten lazier about going to bed on time, which was a big reason I didn't get myself out of bed to workout. 

More bad news: I've been eating like a teenager. Haven't felt like cooking. Lunches have been somewhat healthy, and snacktime at work hasn't set me back too far, but once I get home, I look for the worst possible thing in my kitchen & go straight for it instead of drinking water, waiting, & then deciding if I'm really hungry or just bored. The other factor in my poor eating habits is that we had a BBQ on the 4th & all the leftovers ended up in my fridge. Not smart!

The good news: I can't wait to start walking in the mornings. I did it a couple of times last week & absolutely loved it. I figure I can sleep in until 6 or 6:30am, walk for a good 30 minutes, then if I feel like it, do some light weight routines and/or yoga for another 30 minutes. I'm also looking forward to starting Zumba! Let's hope the free classes at the gym aren't over-crowded as usual.

The great news: I'm going on a nice long bike ride this Sunday on the Great Highway (See: Sunday Streets). Hopefully the weather will be nice & I'll burn some major calories. 

I'm still a bit apprehensive about how to get my nutrition structured properly. I know exactly what I should be eating, but it's a matter of motivating myself to get back in the habit of prepping food, cooking, controlling portions, & cutting back on the less-than-healthy snack foods in my household. I also need to find a way to curb this silly diet soda addiction I've discovered. Coke Zero is the debble!

Also, this morning I cleaned out my closet & identified some clothes that need to be discarded (a.k.a. donated to Goodwill). Some of them were just outdated, but some of them were condoning my unwanted body shape. Goodbye zebra print. Goodbye anything frumpy. Goodbye cardigans & pull-over v-neck sweaters. You don't do it for me anymore. I hope you find a better home!

It made me feel good to know that eventually I'll be replacing those clothes with smaller, cuter, more form-fitting attire. *daydreaming*


If you have any tips for me on any of the things I mentioned struggling with above, please share! My willpower can't be trusted any more!

Thanks, as always, for your encouragement & feedback!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Freedom from Fat!

50 Ways to Fight Fat (Click Link)

Here's my own fat-saving snack idea: Raw carrots/veggies dipped in balsamic vinaigrette instead of ranch dressing. Tangy & yummy. 

*Weight Update Coming Soon!*

Let your vegetables stir-fry in their own moisture instead of an oil bath. Add a few drops of oil to start, & then use water rather than more oil as you’re stir-frying.

Heat your skillet before adding oil, & less fat will be absorbed by the food. Warm oil cooks more efficiently; cold oil tends to soak into meats & vegetables.

Slicing thinly makes portions seem bigger & more satisfying. Japan’s National Food Research Institute found that participants who compared equal amounts of sliced & whole veggies rated the sliced piles up to 27% larger. When you believe you’re eating a larger portion of food, you trick yourself into feeling more satisfied with fewer calories.

When grilling chicken, try this oil-free marinade: Combine 3 cups of apple juice & 2 cloves of pressed garlic with 1 cup of reduced-sodium soy sauce. 

Scoop a hole in the middle of your burger before grilling, & fill it with olives, mushrooms, or any veggie you like. This makes the recommended serving of beef (3 oz) look & feel like a massive hunk of burger, when it’s much leaner than that. 

Squirt some organic ketchup on that bun. Researchers at the Agricultural Research Service in California found that organic ketchups have about twice as much cancer-fighting lycopene as the regular varieties. A simple visual clue you’ve got the correct ketchup? Organic ones are a slightly darker shade of red than regular ketchups. 

Replace the high-fat coconut milk in your curries with low-fat plain yogurt. The yogurt adds that creamy texture without the extra fat from the coconut. 

Order 2 or more veggie toppings for every meat topping. Carcinogens in processed meats such as pepperoni & sausage increase your cancer risk with every serving (American Institute for Cancer Research). Load on veggies to protect against cancer. 

Grate carrots, squash, or zucchini into any meatball mixture. They add bulk, moisture, & vitamins but don’t alter that meaty flavor you’re after. 

To make a low-fat, antioxidant-packed lasagna, use half the usual amount of ground meat & make up the difference with red lentils. They’re protein packed, fat-free, high in fiber, & more filling. Their neutral taste means they’ll soak up the flavors in your sauce. 

In meat recipes that call for crackers or bread crumbs, use an equal amount of rolled oats instead. This ramps up soluble fiber intake, which can lower cholesterol. Use instant oatmeal, because it retains moisture well & doesn’t alter the meaty taste. 

To soften some of the damage inflicted by Britain’s national treasure, try this healthier DIY version of fish-and-chips: 

1. Buy fillets or loins of white fish such as haddock or cod, & cut into strips. 

2. Make a light tempura-like batter by mixing iced sparkling water with self-rising flour. 

3. Dust the fish strips with self-rising fl our and roll in the tempura batter. 

4. Shallow fry the strips in hot canola oil, which is loaded with good fats: Fill one-third of your pan with oil and heat it to about 350 degrees F. (Use a thermometer!) Fry the fish until crispy. 

5. For chips: Cut potatoes into preferred size & toss in 1-2 tbsp of canola oil with salt, herbs, garlic, etc. Then bake at 450°F for about 30 minutes. 

If baking with a topping of grated cheese, cut fat by replacing half of it with whole-wheat bread crumbs. This mimics the crispy texture of baked cheese & adds fiber. 

The hierarchy of health, in descending order:
- Turkey and chicken
- Roast beef
- Ham
- Processed meats like salami, bologna, olive loaf 

Instead of an Italian sub sandwich with cheese & cold cuts such as salami & bologna, choose a roast beef hero, & trim fat intake by up to 30%. 

Instead of mayo, add pepper, hot sauce, & fresh lemon juice. 

Grate a piece of Parmesan or other hard cheese on a sandwich. Add a sprinkling for flavor rather than an avalanche.

Brown cubed eggplant pieces under a broiler with a little olive oil. Then mix with tomato sauce & capers. Place in a kaiser roll. Top with grated Parmesan. Fat savings: 18 grams. 

Replace half of the Cheddar in quesadillas, mac 'n' cheese, or grilled cheese sandwiches with pureed butternut squash. This significantly lowers the fat & calorie counts, won't compromise taste, & gives a slew of added vitamins & heart-healthy potassium. 

Add extra vegetables to your next sandwich by packing them in a whole-wheat pita pocket rather than between conventional slices of bread. Pitas simply hold more. 

To cut carbs, ditch the sandwich bread & do as the Koreans do: Wrap spicy cooked beef or chicken with leafy greens. Try Chinese cabbage, bok choy, or romaine lettuce. Replacing two slices of bread with one large lettuce leaf saves you about 30g of carbs. 

Avoid splashing 'light' olive oils over your salads. Light varieties have fewer cancer-fighting antioxidants than the extra-virgin kind, plus they have a less intense flavor. Good-quality extra-virgin olive oil should have a fruity, peppery, slightly bitter taste & leave a faint burning sensation on the throat.

Replace mayo with a spread of ripe avocado to moisten a dry sandwich. Avocados are packed with monounsaturated (good) fat to help lower cholesterol. Ohio State University researchers found that phytochemicals in avocados may help prevent mouth cancer. 

For a low-fat gyro, mix fat-free yogurt with chopped or sliced cucumbers, add a squeeze of lemon juice, & pour over a pita stuffed with grilled chicken or beef strips. 

Replace fatty corned beef with turkey ham & top it with low-fat mozzarella, mustard, spicy shredded cabbage, & pickles. Slap on traditional rye bread & broil until the cheese melts. Fat savings: 10g. 

Use thick, Greek-style plain yogurt to cut down on the amount of mayo you need to make chicken, tuna, or egg salad sandwiches.

Grate hard, flavorful cheese, such as Parmesan, on hot cereals & oatmeal for added protein & flavor. The key is to add protein to all meals, as it fills you up faster & may help burn more calories. 

Replace 1⁄4 cup of flour with 1⁄4 cup of cornmeal. It'll give great texture, & the cornmeal will add extra fiber & magnesium to an otherwise nutritionally vacant breakfast. 

To get all the vitamins out of your cereal, drink the milk left in the bowl. Up to 40% of the vitamins in your cereal dissolve into that orphaned puddle of milk. Drink up. 

That way they will always be on hand for use in a smoothie. And because they are naturally sweet, you won't need any sugar.

Cook up some spicy low-fat buffalo wings with skinless chicken-breast tenders. Marinate overnight in a mixture of hot sauce, olive oil, garlic powder, & red wine vinegar. Then roast the "wings" at 400°F for 15 minutes. 

Shave dark chocolate into savory dishes like chili & barbecue sauces—you'll add a rich flavor along with flavonoids. They can lower risk of heart disease & keep cholesterol in check. Shaving ensures you don't go overboard on the dark. Or try this nighttime snack: Melt 2 tbsp of chocolate chips in the microwave & swirl into 4 ounces of vanilla yogurt. Top with a tablespoon of slivered almonds. 

Make dips healthier by using fat-free sour cream or yogurt. Mix in an equal part of salsa, the hotter the better. Jazz it up with lemon, dried herbs, whatever. 

Use blue corn tortillas in nachos, fajitas, or quesadillas. Tortillas made from blue corn have a lower glycemic load than white corn tortillas do, so they won't raise blood sugar as quickly. The blue variety also has more protein & less starch. 

Buy nuts in their shells. More time shelling = less time shoveling handfuls into mouth.

Boil peanuts (in their shells) for about 3 hours. A popular snack food in China, Southeast Asia, Australia, & the southern United States, they have up to 4 times more antioxidants than raw, dry, or roasted peanuts. 

If you love baked potatoes, you don't have to give them up just because of their high glycemic load rating. Keep your blood sugar levels balanced by adding a topping, such as Cheddar cheese, mushrooms, broccoli, or spinach. 

Canned beans are a quick & easy way to add protein & fiber to your meals. But they can also spike your daily sodium intake, increasing your risk of stomach cancer & high blood pressure. Simply rinsing them will shed 1/3 of their sodium. 

For perfectly cooked & nutrient-rich vegetables, rinse, throw them in a sealed container, & microwave for 3-4 min. Boiling, blanching, or oversteaming zaps vegetables of their nutrients—the only water you need is the drops that cling after rinsing. 

If all you have is instant white rice, just add a can of beans. The beans lessen the effect that the starchy white rice will have on your blood sugar.

Replace whole milk in your mashed potatoes with evaporated fat-free canned milk – usually near the baking products. It's lower in fat & higher in calcium per cup, & still adds richness to your mash.

Drink 2 glasses of water before every meal. This will keep you hydrated & make you feel less hungry, possibly reducing your food intake & aiding weight loss. 

When the waitress asks what you want to drink, always say "iced tea— unsweetened." You'll cut calories & earn a dose of antioxidants, which are crucial to your body's defense against heart disease, cancer, even wrinkles. A U.S. Dept of Agriculture study found that a serving of black tea had more flavonoids than a serving of broccoli or carrots. 

For buffet eating at a party: Fill half of your plate with vegetables & fruit. Fill the rest of your plate with equal amounts of whole grains & other high-fiber carbs, & lean protein. 

One tbsp of fresh oregano has the same antioxidant power as an entire apple, according to the U.S. Dept of Agriculture. Mexican oregano has the highest count, but Italian oregano & Greek mountain oregano trail closely behind. One of the most versatile herbs, oregano can be added to anything from noodles to meats to salad dressings. 

Scientists found that overweight people are more likely to slim down after consuming a meal that contains chile peppers than after one that isn't on fire. Capsaicin, the chemical that makes chiles hot, may help the liver clear insulin—the hormone that tells your body to store fat—from the bloodstream after a meal. 

Use softer cheeses like goat, feta, & ricotta on pizzas and sandwiches because they're naturally about 1/3 lower in fat & calories than harder cheeses. When you need the full-fat cheeses, go for Parmesan, blue, & extra-sharp Cheddar—same taste, less cheese.

Start a meal with a salad or veggies drizzled with a vinaigrette dressing. Nutritionists believe that the acetic acid in vinegar interferes with enzymes that break down carbs. A few tsp of vinegar per meal can keep blood sugar levels from rising quickly. 

Stock up on frozen shrimp. It defrosts in 15 min under cold running water. With the cooked variety, it’s an instant healthy snack. If uncooked, throw into pasta sauces, stir-fries, or noodle soups in the last 5 min. 

The typical bottled soft drink contains 2-2.5 servings. Cut your calories in half by pouring half the bottle into a glass to drink now & putting the rest of the bottle in the fridge.

Friday, July 1, 2011

"May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us."

This inspirational quote was sent to me by my Aunt Sally. In my current mode of self-critique & attempts at improvement it’s important to remember that loving myself is what sets all of my goals in motion & makes each victory possible.